Google Ads
The use of Google Ads for the generration of leads
Google Ads is a powerful tool to generate qualified lead (prospects interested by a product or a service). It allows to target users according to their purchase desire or to induce to let their contact via a form, a call or a download.

Google Ads
Generate propects of quality with the ecosystem Google Ads: Search, Display, Youtube, Shopping, Gmail, discovery, Performance and even more.

Google Analytics
Analyse the behavior of your users in collecting datas and in identify key events by canal of acquisition. I create a tunnel of conversion to spot where you lose users.

Google Tag Manager
Don’t let any conversion on your website thanks to a precise tracking and compliant with RGPD. Send your events to Google, Facebook, TikTok, Linkdin and even more.

Google Data Studio
Follow the performances of your campaign, group of publications, key words and in terms of research with personalized graphic. I create you a dashboard for a realtime follow up.
Set of actions that I realise in this prestation
- Account Audit Google Ads
- Plan of marking and et Création of conversions
- Création of audiences (Retargeting, Interest, Youtube…)
- Semantic analyse
- Key words targeting
- Redaction of personalized publications
- Création des titres et descriptions
- Definition publications group
- Creation of publications extensions
- Launching campaign with Editor
- Strategies of smart bids
- Optimized target Ciblage optimisé (Exact and Expression)
- Optimisation of the conversion rate
- Launching d’AB Tests (Title, Landing Pages, bid strategies…)
- Exclusion of key words daily
- Placing on Display et Launching of new visuals
- Setup et Launching of p max performance
- And even more to discover during a free call
Frequent Questions:
When will I see my first results ?
I pledge to structure your accout and to make you obtain your first results in less than 7 days. Keep in mind that my work don’t stop here and that I need 2 more months in the test period to unlock your full potential.
What are my prices ?
My prices will adapt with your advertising budget, write to me for more details.
Do you want to join me for more informations or how to help you ?
write to me in clicking on the button below