Social Ads
What is Social Ads ?
The social ads in the marketing digital are advertisement diffuse on social platform like Facebook, Instagram ou LinkedIn.
They allow companies to focus on specific publics according to demographic data, interest and user behavior.
Thanks to as specific focus, those advertisements give an effective way to atttract traffic, generate leads and maximisize conversions, in optimizing the cost thanks to a follow up and adjuments in realtime.

The tools that I use to maximize the resultof your investment:

Facebook Ads
With more than 3 billions active users around the world, Facebook is still the social network most used in the world. it reunites all age categories and allow you to diffuse your offer to the biggest number. Mainly with the cost of conversion which are relatively low compare to other social network.

Instagram Ads
Like on Facebook, the visual and copywriting are the main factor of success of your advertised campaign. Instagram allow you to diffuse your offer in story, which allow a publication more impacting on your target.

TikTok Ads
TikTok is the social network the most used by the generation Z (16-24 years old). This media allow you to diffuse your videos and to surf on the virality of the platform. even more, the video constitute the advertisement format the most impacting on a user.

Linkedin Ads
You are a company B2B or simply wish to recrute associates?
Linkdin Ads allow you to target professionals by post, company, city even with competence.

Snapchat Ads
Same than Instagram Ads, Snapchat allow you to communicate your offer in story, but for a CPM (Cost for 1000 impressions) but more economical. This social network stay the most used by those under 30 years old.

Pinterest Ads
Pinterest is social network mainly used by womens. it allows to have a reach very important for the online shop in the fashion, decoration and travel.
Frequent Questions:
When will I see my first results ?
I pledge to structure your accout and to make you obtain your first results in less than 7 days. Keep in mind that my work don’t stop here and that I need 2 more months in the test period to unlock your full potential.
What are my prices ?
My prices will adapt with your advertising budget, write to me for more details.
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